Bond with your babies over books – the rewards are priceless!
Thank you for your interest in Otis Library’s 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program! Reading aloud to your young child is an essential part of language development. It’s never too early to start! All it takes is a few stories every day to establish key literacy skills. The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program, sponsored by Friends of Otis Library, was designed to help with this process.
Who can join:
All children from birth to age five (and not yet in Kindergarten).
Track your reading:
Log sheets are available to download and print below, or visit the Library for copies. Mark off a circle for every book read. Visit the Library after each 100 books read to receive a sticker, new log sheet, prize for select milestones and enthusiastic congratulations on the part of the staff!
Milestone prizes are awarded as follows:
- 100 books read: A book
- 500 books read: Educational flash cards
- 1,000 books read: Custom book bag and certificate of completion. (Please note that prizes may change)
As an additional recognition:
Parents or guardians can choose to have their child’s name and accomplishment displayed inside a book in the Otis Library Children’s collection.